Waste Management Plan for England

The waste management plan for England


It is seeking views on a revised draft Waste Management Plan for England which the Government is required to review every 6 years. The Plan provides an analysis of the current waste management situation, primarily about the quantity of waste and how that waste is managed. The Plan sets out a summary of current policies, not new policies or announcements. It reflects the policies included in the Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy.

It seeks views on whether the draft Plan – when combined with waste planning policy – will fulfil the obligations of the Waste Regulations 2011, as far as England is concerned, and to allow consultees to comment on the proposed Plan. It is estimated that - because there are no new policies in the Plan – there are no additional burdens arising from the Plan itself.

This consultation by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs runs from 20 August until 15 October 2020.

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