This consultation proposed to introduce and revoke restrictions on ‘Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping’ and ‘On-Street Parking Places’ in several locations across the borough as shown below.
Proposal to introduce:
Proposal to revoke in part:
‘No Waiting Mon-Fri 10am-11am and 1.45- 2.45pm’ in Essex Drive and replace with ‘Disabled Badge Holders Only’
Proposal to revoke:
‘Permit Holder Only B3 Mon-Sat 12.30pm-1.45pm’ bays in Vint Crescent and replace with ‘Resident Permit Holder Only B3’.
This consultation from North Essex Parking Partnership ran from 2 April until 27 April 2020.
The consultation has closed and the order/amendment is published on the North Essex Parking Partnership website.