Local Code of Corporate Governance

How the Council governs itself


  • The Constitution of the Council and its associated procedures and frameworks
  • Delivering Good Governance in Local Government

We recognise that effective local government relies upon establishing and maintaining the public's confidence in the elected councillors and staff and that the setting of high standards of self-governance provides a clear and demonstrable lead to both our existing and potential partners, and therefore provides the basis of effective community governance.

Corporate Governance "is the system by which organisations are directed and controlled" (Cadbury report 1992). The main document regarding corporate governance within Colchester is the Constitution of the Council and its associated procedures and frameworks, which was originally adopted as of 15 May 2002.

The local code is updated annually. This code sets out and describes the Council's commitment to corporate governance, and identifies the arrangements to ensure its ongoing effective implementation and application in all aspects of the Council's work.

In order to achieve effective corporate governance, the Council has adopted the guidance contained in the Guidance and Framework documents published by CIPFA/SOLACE 'Delivering Good Governance in Local Government' last updated in 2012

Colchester Borough Council is committed to the principles of good corporate governance and confirms its ongoing commitment and intentions through the development, adoption and continued maintenance of a Local Code of Corporate Governance.

This document, therefore sets out and describes the Council's commitment to corporate governance, and identifies the arrangements that have been made, and will be made, to ensure its ongoing effective implementation and application in all aspects of the Council's work.

The Council is required to produce an Annual Governance Statement that reviews the effectiveness of its governance controls and the supporting procedures that are in place.

Local Code of Corporate Governance (PDF, 286KB)

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