Enforcement Policy Licensing, Food and Safety

This policy sets out the principles of good enforcement


  • The Enforcement Concordat

Colchester Borough Council (CBC) has formerly signed up to the national 'Enforcement Concordat' (launched in 1999). This article explains what the document is and contains a downloadable copy

The Enforcement Concordat

The Cabinet office in March 1998 produced a document called the enforcement concordat which set out the principles of good enforcement. The Cabinet office asked all enforcement authorities to consider the document and 'sign up' to its principles.

The principles were to be open, helpful, proportionate, consistent, have a well publicised complaints procedure, provide advice in writing if requested and to set out the levels of service that can be expected and publish those standards. CBC formerly signed up to the Concordat in 1999. Since then various sections of the Council have been producing written policies for specific services.

CBC Enforcement Policy Licensing, Food and Safety


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