Planning application for a new link road between the existing A120 and A133

Planning application for a new link road, with new accesses to an existing petrol station and a new roundabout at the junction.


New link road between the existing A120 and A133 inclusive of a grade separated dumbbell junction at the A120, with new accesses to an existing petrol station (Ardleigh South Services) and Colchester Waste Transfer Station, a new roundabout at the junction with the A133, and two intermediate roundabouts along the link road, together with other associated works and landscaping.

The Site notice  (published online and in 9 April’s Essex County Standard) includes “The proposal may affect the setting of Allen’s Farmhouse, Tye Road which is a Grade II Listed Building. Indirect effects to other heritage assets, within a 1km radius of the red line boundary of the application, including Grade I, Grade II and Grade II* Listed Buildings and Wivenhoe Park Registered Park and Garden may also result”.

This is the new link road referred to on The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community website, and the site map shows proximity to top of Clinghoe Hill/Wivenhoe. The scheme proposals are also showcased in a virtual exhibition .

This consultation by Essex County Council runs from 9 April until 16 May 2021.

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