Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

We licence hackney carriage and private hire vehicles that are constructed or adapted to safely carry passengers in wheelchairs.  

Under Section 167 of the Equality Act 2010, the Council maintains a list of these vehicles and details can be found by using the link below. 

It is a criminal offence for the driver of a designated taxi to refuse to carry a passenger in a wheelchair or assist them in entering or exiting the taxi and loading any luggage they may have. 

Every licensed vehicle is required to carry assistance dogs with their owners, it is a criminal offence for a driver to refuse, this includes refusing a booking that involves carrying an assistance dog, or for drivers or operators to charge a higher fare for carrying an assistance dog. 

A small number of drivers may hold exemption certificates which exempt them from the requirement to carry a passenger with a wheelchair or an assistance dog due to medical or physical conditions.  These drivers carry a notice of exemption issued by the Council. 

If you are a driver and wish to apply for an exemption certificate, please complete the form and send it together with your supporting medical evidence in pdf or jpg form to eps.support@colchester.gov.uk

Page last reviewed: 23 July 2024