Upload Documents

There are certain documents that we will need from you when you are a taxi driver in the city. 

You can upload the following: 
  • MOTs 
  • Insurance: Full certificate to be supplied  (cover notes will not be accepted) 
  • Group 2 medical and Medical Practitioners form 
  • Driving Licence (both sides copied) 
  • V5 form 
  • Passport 
  • Certificate of good conduct (for those outside of the EU) 
  • Requested documents ie utility bills 
  • Medical information to support your exemption request 
We will continue to send reminders for renewal applications. We do not remind you to supply documentation such as insurance and MOTs.  

Please make sure that your records are up to date. Failure to do so could result in your licence being at risk. 

You can upload documents using our online facility.

 Please ensure any documents to be uploaded are in pdf or jpg format.

Upload Documents  

Page last reviewed: 23 July 2024