Taxis and Private Hire
Licensing News
Consultation on an amendment to the Taxi Policy
The Council's current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy requires all petrol-engine vehicles used as licensed vehicles since 2020 to be Eurocap 4 compliant, and all diesels must be Eurocap 6 compliant. These are also the current Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) requirements. All new registrations in 2025 must also meet the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), low-emission, or electric hybrid standard.
It came to the Council’s attention that a substantial number of licensed vehicles were not Euro 4/6 compliant and therefore contrary to Policy and should not be in operation. The matter was considered by the Licensing Committee who approved a consultation on the proposal set out below -
- after 1 January 2027 must comply with the following emissions standards:
- Euro 6 for diesel vehicles / Euro 4 for petrol vehicles
- Any vehicle which is presented for licencing as a new or permanent replacement vehicle at any time must comply with the following emissions standards:
- Euro 6 for diesel vehicles / Euro 4 for petrol vehicles
The above means that the requirement for all new registrations in 2025 to meet the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), low emission, or electric hybrid standard will be removed from the Policy.
If you would like to comment, do so in writing to by 14 January 2024.
Road Closures
Information on upcoming road closures can be found at Upcoming road closures
Changes To The UK Immigration System
The Home Office is replacing physical immigration documents with a digital proof of immigration status called an eVisa.
If you use a physical immigration document such as a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), a Biometric Residence Card (BRC) or legacy paper documents such as a passport containing an ink-stamp or visa vignette sticker, and do not already have a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account, you will need to create an account.
Find information on creating an accountIf you do not take action to create a UKVI account to access your eVisa you may face unnecessary delays when demonstrating your immigration status.
Once accessed, eVisas can be used to generate a share code to prove immigration status and associated rights such as the right to work using the view and prove service.
Find more information, support and guidance on eVisasThe Council has received a number of enquiries concerning sub-contracting to out of area licensed private hire vehicles.
We hope you will find the Frequently Asked Questions useful.
Fees and Charges report
Your tax responsibilities from 4 April 2022
As a new applicant for a driver's or operator's licence, you should make yourself aware of your responsibilities in relation to the payment of tax. The Council will be required, on renewal of your licence, to check that you are appropriately registered for tax through a tax check code supplied to you by HMRC. If you cannot supply this, the Council will be unable to renew your licence. Further information on changes for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications from April 2022
Hackney Carriage/Private Hire driving assessment companies
You may be instructed to take a driving assessment. The following companies can be used - (should you be instructed by an officer to take a test):- Blue Lamp Trust
- Institute of Advanced Motorists
- Diamond Advanced Motorists
To carry out your medical you can use:- Your own GP
- Cotswold Medicals
- D4 Drivers
- Drive2Medicals
National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals, Revocations and Suspensions (NR3S)
The National Register of Taxi and Private Hire Licence Revocations, Refusals and Suspensions (NR3S) has been set up to improve public safety and confidence in the hackney carriage and private hire licensing. NR3S will provide the Council with an additional means of checking the fitness and propriety of applicants and licence holders and so will assist the Council in fulfilling its duty to ensure licence holders are fit and proper, safe and suitable to hold a licence.
The NR3S enables licensing authorities to share details of individuals who have had a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence suspended or revoked, or an application for one refused.
How we will use NR3
As a licensing authority, we will
- check the details of new and renewal applicants for a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence on the register to confirm that they have not been revoked or refused elsewhere
- record on NR3S all decisions to refuse an application for a hackney carriage/ private hire driver’s licence
- record on NR3S all decisions to suspend or revoke a hackney carriage/private hire driver’s licence
What information will we record?
- Name
- Date of birth
- Address and contact details
- National Insurance number
- Driving licence number
- Decision taken
- Date of decision
- Date the decision is effective
The reason why a decision was taken will not be recorded. If a match is found a further request for information would need be made.
We will transfer all our existing and relevant data onto the database; the data will be held for 11 years.
View the NR3S Policy
How will I know if I am on the register?
Anyone whose details are added to NR3S will be notified when they are advised of the decision to revoke or reuse their licence. In the case of historical data, individuals will be notified prior to being added to the register.
Data Protection
The Council will process the data in line with the requirements of the General Data Processing Regulations (GDPR). The Council is the data controller in respect of the data and if you want to make a Subject Access Request for any of the personal information held on NR3S, the request should be made to the Council. The Council is registered with the National Anti-Fraud Network who host the register. The NAFN are the data processors and will fulfil any request for information.
If you have data protection concerns
If you have any questions or concerns related to data protection law, these can be raised with our Data Protection Officer. Email: or write to Information Services, Colchester City Council, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester
If you have a concern about the handling of your data, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office. Find advice on how to raise a concern.
Page last reviewed: 14 January 2025