
We expect all hackney carriages, private hire vehicles, drivers and operators working in Colchester to follow their licensing responsibilities. 

Licensing officers working for Colchester City Council do not have the authority to enforce against other local authority licensed vehicles, drivers nor operator licenses.

If you experience a problem, you can submit a complaint.

Complaints about other local authority drivers or cars must be lodged with the local authority which licences them, e.g. for Wolverhampton use their online complaint form.

Please note that the Licensing Authority does not have the power to enforce the following: 
  • Parking infringements such as parking on double yellow lines or double parking. For parking infringements contact the Parking Enforcement Services Unit or call on 01206 282316. 
  • Obstructions on the public highway, including parking too near road junctions. For obstruction infringements contact Essex Police. 
  • Traffic offences such as using a hand-held mobile phone while driving, road rage, careless or dangerous driving. For traffic offences contact Essex Police. 
  • Criminal offences such as assault, threats, harassment, theft of mobile phone, or indecency. For criminal offences contact Essex Police. 
  • Vehicles licensed by another local authority such as Wolverhampton, Tendring or Uttlesford, etc. Contact the relevant local authority which has licensed the vehicles.

Lost Property 

If you have left an item in a private hire vehicle and you pre-booked your journey, please contact the operator.  They will be able to check with the driver to see if you left anything in the vehicle. 

If you have left an item in a hackney carriage, you can report the lost item on the Colchester Hackney Carriage Association website.

 Essex Police no longer take reports of lost property. Find further guidance.

Page last reviewed: 23 July 2024