Neighbourhood Plans

Documents relating to the Neighbourhood Plans


  • The documents

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan


Boxted NP


Adoption of Boxted Neighbourhood Plan Area


Boxted Neighbourhood Plan Area report and Appendix


Boxted Neighbourhood Plan passes independent examination


Decision Statement - Boxted NP


Boxted Neighbourhood Plan Submission Consultation


Affordable Housing Needs Survey Nov 2013

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Statement - FINAL

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation map

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement - FINAL

Boxted Neighbourhood Plan SEA HRA Screening Determination

List of evidence base documents

Statement regarding revised Submission Stage January 2016

Waterman Boreham - Boxted Traffic Issues Report 15.10.13


Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan


Copford with Easthorpe Area Designation Letter 28.05.15

Copford with Easthorpe Area Designation Map


Eight Ash Green Neighbourhood Plan


EAG NP Designation letter to CBC

EAG Parish Boundary


Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan


Confirmation Gt Tey plan area2

Great Tey NP Area application letter


Marks Tey Neighbourhood Plan


Marks Tey Neighbourhood Plan Area


Messing cum Inworth Neighbourhood Plan


Messing NP proposed area designation - letter and map


Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan


Myland Braiswick NP

Myland Braiswick NP Appendices1


Adoption of Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan Area


Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Area report with Appendix


Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan Submission Consultation


MB Submission Final Draft - 24.11.15

Myland NP Area Submission Map 02.12.15

NP Basic Conditions Statement - 24.11

NP SEA Screening - 18.11

NP Submission Statement of Consultation - 18.11


Myland and Braiswick passes independent examination


decision notice Myland


Stanway Neighbourhood Plan


Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation Letter

Stanway Parish Council NP area


Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan


Tiptree NH Plan 20141106104907


West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan


NP Area Map - ME

West Bergholt NP Letter


West Mersea Neighbourhood Plan


WMTC NP area designation letter

WMTC NP area map


Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan


Consultation on the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Area


letter to Karen Syrett (2)

Map of plan area


Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Submission Documents - Consultation


Response Form Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Reg 16 Consultation

Submission version Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan

Submission WNP - SEA Addendum Environmental Report

Submission WNP SEA Environmental Report

Wivenhoe NHP Area

Wivenhoe NHP Basic-Conditions-Statement FINAL

Wivenhoe NP Consultation Statement-FINAL

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Planning Policy
Adopted Guidance