Planning guidance

A variety of documents we use when planning for new development in the borough


  • What are the Supplementary Planning Documents and Essex Design Guide
  • What are the Development Briefs
  • What are the Neighbourhood Plans
  • Archaeology

We use a variety of documents when planning for new development in the Borough. 

They consist of: 


Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

These form part of the Local Plan and provide detailed guidance on how planning policy will be implemented by us. 

View SPDs


Essex Design Guidance

This provides detailed design advice on the layout, design and spatial principles of new residential and mixed use development. The EDG version Adopted by Colchester Borough Council is the 1997 edition, copies of which can be viewed at the Council Offices (Rowan House).  The most recent version is an online version which can be viewed below:  The Online version is not adopted by Colchester Borough Council.

View Essex Design Guide


Development Briefs

These inform developers and other interested parties of the constraints and opportunities presented by specific sites and the type of development expected or encouraged by us. 

View Development Briefs


Neighbourhood Plans

These were introduced under the Localism Act 2011 and are created by local communities. Once they are adopted by us, the Neighbourhood Plans form part of the Development Plan for Colchester Borough. 

View Neighbourhood Plans



The archaeological implications of development proposals in Colchester are assessed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DP14 of the Current Local Plan 2001-2021. The Archaeology in Development Plan 2015supplements and adds an additional level of detail to this planning policy. It is an important material consideration for Development Management when assessing development proposals or applications within Colchester Borough.  

Managing Archaeology in Development (PDF, 356KB)


Archaeology Management Plans


View Management Plans

For more information on Archaeology and the Historic Environment please view the advice page found here



View Guidance

Planning Policy
Adopted Guidance