Data and information
Council information
General information about the council and staff, performance, gender pay gap, trade union time, population and number of homes.
Annual reports
All annual reports for the Council.
Current job vacancies
List of current job vacancies at Colchester City Council and Colchester Borough Homes.
Customer Contact Centre information
Information on our opening times, response times and customer service feedback.
Cooling Towers
List held under the The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992.
The Housing Benefit Fraud function was transferred to the Department of Work and Pensions. The Council therefore no longer has data to publish.
Freedom of Information requests
How many requests are processed annually and who makes them.
Gender pay gap
Calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of male and female staff at the Council.
More information on the gender pay gap
Find more information on the gender pay gap, including the gender pay gap narrative.
List of current byelaws
Current byelaws
Number of homes in the city
Total number of households in the city; data supplied by the national Valuation Office Agency.
Number of staff employed
The number of staff employed by the Council.
Organisation chart
Top 3 levels of the organisation.
Pay multiple
Pay multiple is the ratio between the highest and lowest paid staff.
Payment on time - Invoices paid within 30 days
Charges are indicative only, if the supplier were to pursue their statutory right to claim interest and other compensation recovery costs as laid out in government guidelines; 'Interest paid': any actual sums paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Peer Challenge
The Council welcomed constructive feedback and advice following a Local Government Association (LGA) peer challenge in September 2022.
The Peer Challenge provides councils with an independent and external improvement support and challenge through a peer review, conducted by a team of councillors and senior officers from other local authorities. The review findings will enable the Council to reflect on its delivery and forward thinking, the things it does well, and opportunities to improve.
The Council welcomed a follow-up report from the Local Government Association in September 2023, which found significant progress against the recommendations of the original peer challenge, which was conducted in 2022.
The findings from the September 2022 peer challenge report have informed an action plan to take the recommendations forward.
You can also see the January 2023 Scrutiny and Cabinet papers for more information.
Resource showing the Council's governance, statement of accounts, audit and other relevant information.
Policies and strategies
Details of all Council policies and strategies, including the Strategic Plan.
The most recent estimates of the city's population.
Public Health funeral details
Assisted Funerals conducted during a rolling year to date. The information shown is all that the Council can provide with regard to Public Health or Assisted Funerals.
Number of burials and cremations
Annual totals for Colchester Cemetery and Crematorium.
Public Spaces Protection Orders: PSPO
Current Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs).
Senior staff salaries
Salary details of Colchester's senior officers within the top 3 levels of the organisation and employees whose salary exceeds £50,000
Staff sickness
Staff sickness rate, measured in working days.
Trade Union Facility Time – Transparency Code
Information relating to trade unions within the Council.
Trade Union time – 2017 Act
Information on trade unions within the Council. From 1 April each year for 12 months - info must be published by 31 July after end of period, ie 31 July 2018 for year to 31 March 2018.
Page last reviewed: 14 January 2025