Council spending


Council Spend Jan 24
Council Spend Feb 24
Council Spend Mar 24
Council Spend Apr 24
Council Spend May 24
Council Spend June 24


Council Spend Apr 23
Council Spend May 23
Council Spend Jun 23
Council Spend Jul 23
Council Spend Aug 23
Council Spend Sept 23
Council Spend Oct 23
Council Spend Nov 23
Council Spend Dec 23


Council spend Apr 22
Council spend May 22
Council spend Jun 22
Council spend Jul 22
Council Spend Aug 22
Council spend Sept 22
Council Spend Oct 22
Council Spend Nov 22
Council Spend Dec 22
Council Spend Jan 23
Council Spend Feb 23
Council Spend Mar 23


Council Spend April 21
Council spend May 21
Council spend June 21
Council Spend Jul 21
Council Spend Aug 21
Council Spend Sept 21
Council Spend Oct 21
Council Spend Nov 21
Council Spend Dec 21
Council Spend Jan 22
Council Spend Feb 22
Council Spend Mar 22


Council Spend Apr 20
Council Spend May 20
Council Spend Jun 20
Council Spend Ju 20
Council Spend Aug 20
Council Spend Sept 20
Council Spend Oct 20
Council Spend Nov 20
Council Spend Dec 20
Council Spend Jan 21
Council Spend Feb 21
Council Spend Mar 21


Council Spend Apr 19
Council Spend May 19
Council Spend Jun 19
Council Spend Jul 19
Council Spend Aug 19
Council Spend Sept 19
Council Spend Oct 19
Council Spend Nov 19
Council Spend Dec 19
Council Spend Jan 20
Council Spend Feb 20
Council Spend Mar 20

Council spending 2016-2019

Contracts register

Contracts and tenders for the supply of goods or services exceeding £5,000 in value. This dataset is updated quarterly. 

Councillor expenses and allowances

Details of councillors' expenses and allowances for the year. We publish a breakdown of councillors' mileage and other expenses.

You can also access additional information, including councillor contact details, budget spending and election history.

Government Procurement Card Transactions

The Council does not currently use government procurement cards.

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations

Details of the annual voluntary sector grants the Council administers.

Locality budget grants

Small annual grant scheme of £2,000 for each Ward Councillor. This table is updated at the close of each financial year.

You can also access additional information on the webpages for Councillors, including the spend in previous years by each Ward Councillor. 

Public Health funeral costs

Funerals supplied by the Council under The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Page last reviewed: 24 July 2024