Data and information
Planning and licensing
Data relating to planning applications, policy and enforcement, and licensing. Includes the Brownfield Land Register and lists of licensed premises.
Licensed premises data
Premises licences issued in the city.
Planning applications processed – major, minor and other
The percentage of major, minor and other applications completed within target timescale.
Planning application statistics – live tables
Quarterly and annual statistics for planning applications.
Acupuncture, ear piercing, electrolysis and tattooing
Premises licensed for acupuncture, ear piercing, electrolysis, tattooing.
Brownfield Land Register
The current register showing the location and area of sites in the Colchester city meeting the definition of brownfield land set down in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.
Taxi and private hire licensing
Current vehicle, driver and operator licences.
Find more information on Planning and Licensing.
Page last reviewed: 13 February 2025