Our management team

Our Senior Management Board is responsible for the delivery of the Council’s key strategic priorities and outcomes and provides strategic leadership over key drivers including resources, organisational culture, environmental sustainability and reducing inequalities. 

In addition, the Senior Management Board works with its councillors and administration in seeking inward investment to Colchester, uses its own assets for further development and helps to deliver collective ambitions and priorities for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors.

The Service Delivery Heads have full responsibility for the day-to-day delivery of services, the implementation of plans, and the management of staff. Budgets for the council and individual services are shown in the Statement of Accounts.

See council data for more information, including the number of staff employed and senior salaries.

Colchester City Council structure chart

Senior Management Board

The Senior Management Board consists of:
  • the Chief Executive
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Executive Director Place (Deputy Chief Executive)
  • and three Strategic Directors

Pamela Donnelly  - Chief Executive

Pamela Donnelly, Strategic Director of Customer and Relationships

Email: pamela.donnelly@colchester.gov.uk

Richard Block – Chief Operating Officer

Richard Block, Assistant Director (Corporate and Improvement Services)

Email: richard.block@colchester.gov.uk

Lindsay Barker - Executive Director Place (Deputy Chief Executive)

Lindsay Barker – Strategic Director of Policy & Place

Email: lindsay.barker@colchester.gov.uk

Lucie Breadman - Strategic Director

Lucie Breadman, Assistant Director (Communities)

Email: lucie.breadman@colchester.gov.uk

Mandy Jones - Strategic Director

Mandy Jones, Assistant Director (Place and Client Services)

Email: mandy.jones@colchester.gov.uk

Rory Doyle - Strategic Director

Rory Doyle, Assistant Director (Environment)

Email: rory.doyle@colchester.gov.uk

Page last reviewed: 11 June 2024