Greener transport around Colchester

The best way to reduce emissions from your travel is to leave the car at home, even if it is just for some of your journeys. If people who normally drive used an alternative mode of travel two times a week, it would remove 150,000 cars from the road every week. 

  • Walking and cycling are a cheap way to travel (for those that can) and have many health benefits. In addition, Colchester has a good public transport network, with regular buses and trains running seven days a week. 
  • Where this is not possible, car sharing is the next best choice.
  • The Colchester Orbital, a 14–15-mile walking and cycling circular route, is also worth exploring on foot or by bike, linking up many stunning green spaces in the borough.
Read tips on cycling and walking in Colchester, using public transport, driving efficiently and Colchester’s car sharing scheme (Loveurcar).

The Cycle Colchester website is also a great resource to find out about cycle maps, cycle maintenance and more! 
If you are interested in increasing your cycling confidence visit Essex County Council website for information on bike training, with adult cycle training available for free! 

Page last reviewed: 10 May 2021