Renewable energy and energy efficiency

There are lots of ways you can save energy and use renewable energy in your home. We produced a leaflet showing some ideas of measures you could install in your property when doing a refurbishment or extension.

There are ways you can also get involved in community energy initiatives. For example, Essex County Council runs collective purchasing schemes for switching energy supplier or installing solar panels. These allow groups of people to get together to switch to a green and affordable energy supplier, or purchase solar panels. By bringing this group together, a lower price for your energy bills or for buying solar panels can be secured. Find out more about the energy switching and  Solar Together schemes. The schemes only run at set times of year, but you can register your interest on the websites and be notified when they open. 

Support to keep your house warm

There is also support available for people who may struggle to afford the cost of energy to heat their home. See information offered by Green Doctor and Better Housing, Better Health which can both provide help and support to those struggling to pay energy bills or looking to make their home warmer.

Better Housing, Better Health offer a telephone service to offer advice on energy saving and keeping your home warm. They can also help to see if you might be eligible for any financial support to help pay your energy bills. This might be through grant funding, fuel vouchers and more.

The council has a dedicated page listing organisations that can offer energy advice. The page also lists grant funding that you might be eligible for to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Better Housing, Better Health can help determine if you qualify for any of these. Find out more .  

Page last reviewed: 28 August 2024