Landscape Consultancy LIS/B

Detail landscape proposals required to discharge standard landscape condition(s) for minor applications:


Guidance Note B

1.0 Requirements

1.1 The following considerations need to be applied when drafting any landscape proposals required in order to allow for the discharge of standard landscape condition(s)/reserved matters on minor developments: 

1.2 Any landscape proposals need to take account of, and generally complement, the existing structure, pattern and character of the landscape local to the site, and clearly identify/plot on a numbered, coordinated (north arrow) and scaled plan: 

  1. Any areas of surface materials (by type & colour) for roads, footpaths, parking areas, hard surfacing; the type of furniture, bollards and any other principal external works elements.
  2. The line, type and height of any fences, walls, railings and any other principal form of enclosure.
  3. Tree planting, shrub beds, the line of hedges, grassed areas, and other areas of soft landscape.
  4. Any significant changes in levels.

1.3 Clearly identify any proposed tree species and their planting location(s) (giving the botanic (‘Latin’) name) for individual tree(s). Tree positions need to be set a minimum 1.5m away from enclosure over 1.8m high and be set a minimum 3m (for smaller trees) or 5m (for larger trees) away from any building frontage/lighting column.

1.4 Include the following italicised notes, as appropriate, (verbatim) on the proposal drawing: 

  1. ‘All the soft landscape proposals will take account of the existing structure, pattern, composition and character of the landscape local to the site through the use of complementary planting.’
  2. ‘All landscape works will be carried out broadly in accordance with the relevant current British Standards’.
  3. ‘The landscape scheme is confirmed as being timetabled for implementation by or during the first planting season (mid-November to mid-March) after substantial completion of the development, or (where applicable) prior to sale of any individual plot(s), whichever is the sooner.’
  4. ‘Any dead, dying or failing plants will be replaced like for like during the next planting season.’
  5. ‘Principal tree planting positions have/will been/be designed to lie well outside of and take precedence over any lighting/service/drainage locations/routes’.
  6. Include only where impermeable driveways/frontages drain directly onto the highway:
    ‘Any impermeable driveways or hard surfaced frontages over 5m² in area & draining positively onto the highway will include an intercepting drainage system to positively channel rainwater runoff away from the highway’.
  7. Include only where lighting is being proposed:
    ‘All lighting proposals comply with Colchester Borough Council’s External Artificial Lighting Guidance 2012’.
    ... and (where applicable)
    ‘Where unacceptable light incursion into adjacent units is identified (particularly to bedroom windows) shuttering sufficient to minimise light incursion will be implemented.’
  8. Include only where site contains public/communal space:
    ‘The public/communal landscaped area(s) will be managed in perpetuity, it will be competently monitored and follow best landscape management practice principals, it will follow a maintenance schedule sufficient to keep it well maintained, safe, tidy and in a good state of repair’.

1.5 Please refer to the Notes for Applicant/Agent when instructing landscape consultant and/or before contacting the Council’s Landscape Advisor @ LCR notes for applicants (

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