Appeal hearing for Land adj Armoury Road, West Bergholt

Appeal hearing against the refusal of planning permission for Land adj Armoury Road, West Bergholt to take place from 10am on Tuesday 8 June.


The Planning Inspectorate received an appeal against a planning application submitted by NEEB Holdings Limited relating to a site adjacent Armoury Road, West Bergholt.

The appeal is for Outline application for 26 dwellings including 30% affordable housing, vehicular and pedestrian access from Coopers Crescent, pedestrian access from Armoury Road, public open space and landscaping with details of access and structural landscaping (matters of internal landscaping, appearance, layout and scale reserved).

Documents relating to the planning application and appeal can be viewed by searching for application number 180733.

When and where the hearing will take place


The Planning Inspectorate has advised us that the appeal hearing will take place from 10am on Tuesday 8 June.

An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold a hearing opening on the date shown above to decide the appeal.

The hearing will be held as a virtual event run by an Inspector in the normal way, but with the parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone.

How to attend the hearing


To attend the hearing using video, you will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser).

Alternatively you can take part by telephone. Calls will be to an 020 number which will incur call charges.

Registered participants in whatever capacity will receive individual joining instructions, providing details of any requirements, guidance and support, whether joining by Teams or telephone.

To observe the hearing only


If you would like to observe the hearing but not take an active part, you should make this clear in your response to the Case Officer.

To take an active part in the hearing


You can take an active part in the hearing if you have an original point to make that has not already been raised at an earlier stage.

All written submissions from the application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector.

Restating points that have already been covered in the evidence of others will not add additional weight to them.

If you want to take an active part in the proceedings, you should make your interest in a particular topic clear in your response to the Case Officer.

Asking someone else to take an active part on your behalf


If you would like to take an active part in the hearing but are unable for any reason, you can ask someone else to raise points on your behalf.

The points you want to make should not have already been covered in the evidence of others.


Contact point as the Planning Inspectorate

Planning Inspectorate ref: APP/A1530/W/18/3211685
Chris Nash
Room 3D, Eagle Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square


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