Egret Crescent Open Land Notice

Notice that Colchester Borough Council intends to dispose of the open space land on Egret Crescent.


Notice under Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972

Intention to dispose of open space land


Notice is hereby given that Colchester Borough Council ("the Council") intends to dispose of the open space land described in the Schedule to this Notice ("the Land") to the owner of land adjacent.  

A plan showing the land is available to view.

Egret Crescent Plan (PDF, 101KB)

Before making a decision on the disposal of the Land the Council will consider any written representations or objections that are received before the date and time given below.

Any objections or representations relating to the proposed appropriation of the Land must be made in writing, specifying the grounds on which they are made, and delivered to the address given below by no later than 5pm on 15 October 2020.

All correspondence must be addressed to: 

Colchester Borough Council c/o Colchester Amphora Trading Ltd 
Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, 
Colchester, CO3 3WG
Marked for the attention of Michael Devine

Email address:



The Land

Approximately 40 square metres of land to the northeast of 17 Egret Crescent, Colchester. 

Dated 28 September 2020

Andrew Weavers
Strategic Governance Manager
Colchester Borough Council
Rowan House
33 Sheepen Road
Colchester CO3 3WG

Next Steps

This open space land transfer was completed in November 2020 under Amphora’s delegated authority.

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