Castle Park trails

Explore Castle Park using these self-led history and wildlife trails.


  • Self-led trails for Castle Park

These trails will allow you to explore Castle Park on your own or with friends and family to better understand the history and wildlife of this special urban park in the heart of Colchester.

There are separate history and wildlife trails for children or adults to allow you to be your own tour guides and learn some fascinating facts about the site that has been a firm favourite of the people of Colchester for generations.  

You can download these trails to either print at home or use directly from your phone or tablet.

Wildlife trail for under 5s (PDF, 6.51MB)

Kids' art trail (PDF, 3.17MB)

Junior Ranger wildlife trail (PDF, 6.70MB)

Family history trail for ages 6 and up (PDF, 7.53MB)

History trail for adults and teens (PDF, 6.70MB)

Teens and adults wildlife trail (PDF, 3.39MB)

The Tree Trail

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