Draft Strategic Land Availability Assessment Methodology - Consultation

The consultation on the Draft SLAA Methodology has now closed.

All comments that were submitted have been reviewed and modifications to the methodology following consultation were presented to Local Plan Committee on 11 December 2023. A summary of the representations and response can be found below:

View the draft SLAA Methodology Consultation Responses December 2023 (PDF, 146KB)

The SLAA Methodology can be found under Evidence Base and Supporting Documents

The Council has launched a Call for Sites which is an opportunity for groups including local residents, landowners, developers and other stakeholders to suggest sites that they would like to be considered to inform the preparation of the Local Plan.  In addition to the Call for Sites submissions, the Council will proactively look to identify any additional potential sites and locations for growth or green uses to ensure its approach to new land allocation is comprehensive.

The sites received through the Call for Sites, plus any additional sites identified, will be assessed through the Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA).  The SLAA will appraise sites for the suitability, availability and achievability with the aim of objectively determining which sites will be deliverable over the plan period.  The results will inform site allocations in the Local Plan Review.  The outcome of the SLAA will not definitively allocate land for development but will contribute to the Local Planning Authority’s evidence base and ensure that decisions regarding site allocations are backed by robust and objective evidence. 

The Council has drafted a methodology to undertake the SLAA Assessments. This methodology follows guidance set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance.  

The Council is consulting on the draft Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) methodology.  The draft methodology can be viewed on our public consultation website and any comments can be made using our online consultation portal.

Alternatively, you can email your comments to local.plan@colchester.gov.uk or post it to Planning Policy, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3WG. 

The closing date for submissions is Friday 17th November 2023.

All comments will be published on our website and consultation portal in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations.  Find further information about how your data is processed.

Page last reviewed: 2 January 2024


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