Call for sites

February 2024 Update

Sites submitted during the Call for Sites are now available to view on the interactive map. This provides the location of the site and limited information including the site address, site area, proposed use and unique ID number. This can also be viewed within the Call for Sites Report.

Please note that these sites are presented for information only at this stage and have not yet been assessed as to their suitability for inclusion within the Local Plan. Just because a site is promoted for development, this does not automatically mean that it will go forward as an allocation in the Local Plan or be supported for development of the proposed use.

All Call for Sites submissions are soon to be assessed against the Strategic Land Availability Assessment methodology as outlined on our evidence base and supporting documents webpage.

The Call for Sites has now closed.

October 2023 – January 2024

We have started work on the review of the Colchester Local Plan. As part of the initial work, we invite you to propose land within the Borough that may be suitable for the following uses:

  • Housing and other residential uses such as specialist housing for older persons and also including Gypsy and Travellers sites
  • Commercial - including employment, retail, sports and leisure and logistics
  • Infrastructure – including community uses
  • Green infrastructure - including open spaces and biodiversity net gain.

This process is known as the ‘Call for Sites’.  The Call for Sites is an opportunity for groups including local residents, landowners, developers and other stakeholders to suggest sites that they would like to be considered to inform the preparation of the Local Plan.  It is important to note, the Call for Sites exercise will not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for development.  All sites will need to be further assessed and the overall strategy for the Local Plan will be informed by a number of evidence base documents and feedback from consultations.    The submission of a site through the Call for Sites process does not give them any planning status, nor does it determine any future planning status.

The Council will then assess the sites submitted to consider if they are suitable, available and achievable for development or for environmental improvements. The assessments will be published in a Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) and the results will inform site allocations in the Local Plan Review.  The outcome of the SLAA will not definitively allocate land for development but will contribute to the Local Planning Authority’s evidence base and ensure that decisions regarding site allocations are backed by robust and objective evidence.

The easiest and quickest way to submit your site is by using our public consultation website.

Alternatively, you can download a PDF form to complete and email it to or post it to Planning Policy, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3WG.

Please provide as much detail and information as possible in your submission. All submissions will go through a validation process and we will contact you if we require further information.

Due to the Call for Sites form containing sensitive and personal information, these will not be published in full in accordance with GDPR.  However, certain elements such as the name of the site and the site boundary will be available and published on the Consultation Portal and/or Council’s website.  Find further information about how your data is processed.

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