
We will be charging for the collection of garden waste from January 2024.

Like all local authorities, we are facing significant financial challenges. Faced with a significant budget deficit, limited government support and £8.2m of extra costs, councillors have agreed to a raft of savings and income generation measures that enable the council to balance its books. 

We have already made some savings and used money from our reserves in the current financial year but need to find further savings for the next financial year.

In this context, a range of budget options for saving and income generation was approved by full council in February 2023. One of these decisions is to introduce a charge for garden waste collections in order to protect essential services.

The alternative options considered were to not have a garden waste collection or to close our leisure centres.

We recognise the pressures on people’s household finances but feel this is the fairer option for all residents as only those who use the service would be charged for it. The collection fees will enable the service to pay for itself, meaning any increase in operational costs in future years will not have to be funded through Council Tax.

Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024