Equality and Diversity Monitoring Data 2019-2020

Employment diversity monitoring

As part of the Council’s corporate approach to Equality and Diversity and to ensure that we meet our public sector duties detailed in the Equality Act, we collect employment data each year. This data is analysed to monitor how closely our workforce represents the needs of the local community as well as to ensure the fairness of our employment practices.

The Equality Duty covers the following nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. The duty also covers marriage and civil partnership, but not for all aspects of the duty.

The information below relates to the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

Equal Pay Statement and Officer Pay Policy

Colchester Borough Council understands its equal pay legal obligations. A comprehensive Equal Pay Audit was conducted in 2010. An action plan addressing the small number of equal pay issues identified by the audit was completed in 2011/12.

The Localism Act requires all councils to have an Officer Pay Policy in the interests of openness and transparency. Colchester Borough Council’s policy is reviewed each year, with the current version shown below. 

Officer Pay Policy

We encourage job candidates and employees to complete requests for equality and diversity data so that our current and potential workforce reflects the communities we serve.

For more information, see these sections on our website:

Page last reviewed: 13 May 2021