Jennie Taylor – Juicybar Vitality, Culver Square

Jennie Taylor is the owner of Juicybar Vitality, offering a plant based healthy place to eat and drink with a mission of helping other people understand the value of and enjoy eating fresh fruit, vegetables and fresh herbs. They are based in Culver Square in Colchester Town Centre.

What bike/s do you use?  

We use the Christiania eCargo tricycle. It has a huge box with a volume of 366 litres and can carry up to 100kg so it is perfect for carrying heavy and bulky loads. 

What do you use the eCargo bike for?  

We use it to go shopping for our business, making deliveries and moving stock.  

When we go shopping I can fill the whole space and add a couple of boxes on top too. The cargo bike is great as we can safely carry delicate items such as fresh fruit and glass bottles.    

What benefits do you get from using the eCargo bike?  

It really frees us up as we do not need to use a car or van. We no longer waste time in traffic and can access it anytime we need it, as we can park it right in front our stall.  

It also supports our marketing needs, as it has all our advertising on the sides, which is perfect for local businesses. It saves us all the costs relating to the purchase, maintenance and use of a van and last but not least, it helps us meet our eco-friendly mission, sustainability targets and it boosts our overall image as an environmentally friendly business. 

Have you got any top tips for others who are interested in trying out an eCargo bike?  

Using a cargo bike is a great way to save money and promote your business. When we are on the bike we get noticed more so I say, release yourself from believing you need a car or van. 

How many miles have you clocked up using the eCargo bike?  

I do not know exactly but we have been using it regularly since the end of the Covid-19 lockdowns.  

Contact Details:

Jennie Taylor 
Juicybar Vitality  
Mobile: 07867 788623 

If you are interested in trying out an eCargo bike for your business or organization, Colchester City Council offers short-term loans of the bikes under the eCargo Bike Library, find further information on Colchester eCargo bike library.

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