The Council's Recovery Plan
The Community recovery plan has 4 key objectives:
- Levels of inter-organisational collaboration and new working practices brought about by C-19 crisis are sustained.
- Communities are strengthened to mitigate economic disruption, reduce isolation, and improve Health and Well Being.
- Pre-existing inequalities within and between communities are reduced.
- Increase in volunteering, civic engagement and building on the strengths within Communities.
Activities already completed include:
- Digital Access Teams project extension funding paper has been submitted to the Alliance for a decision.
- Track and Trace scenario exercise has taken place with County partners. Process & procedures are in place.
- All useful and relevant information for potential volunteers has been collated and now held in one central place at Volunteer Essex.
Additional work started or planned includes:
- ‘Lock it with Love’ campaign by One Colchester to show appreciation for the NHS and loved ones.
- Vulnerability & Shielding Alliance work added to the Be Well work led by Colchester Borough Council and Tendring District Council.
- St Helena have increased their Rapid Response service capacity of Clinical Nurse Specialists aligned with other multi-disciplinary team members.
- Firstsite photography project to celebrate NHS workers.
- Colchester Borough Council and Community 360 working together to map local green prescribing opportunities for well-being, also linking to the conservation objectives within the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency.
- Anglian Ruskin University research into Community Assets & Health and Well Being.
- Friday prayers hosted outside St Botolph's Priory grounds, with social distancing in place.
- The Community Response Team contacting BAME communities to understand the impact of Covid 19 and hear about any barriers faced in lockdown.
- Community 360 volunteer centre developing action and management plans.
- Updated Community Enabling Strategy.
- Planning for Officer & Member Asset Based Community Development underway.
Page last reviewed: 27 October 2020