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Please note – by submitting comments online you are granting us permission to publish these comments online as submitted to us, except for your name and postal/email address, which must be provided and will be redacted. Planning Officers will see this information. Comments may not be published if offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language is used, if you are concerned that the content of your representation may indirectly enable you or anyone to be identified (either personally or in terms of your place of residence) then you should amend your text accordingly to prevent any risk of this occurring, as we will not accept any responsibility for loss or distress arising from this disclosure. For example: “I am making this comment on behalf of my 90 year old mother who lives alone at 33 Sheepen Road” “My neighbour works away all week therefore the house is empty and the proposal will have no effect on himOur privacy policy explains how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy
Application type
Application Number
Development description
Full planning permission for site clearance and redevelopment to provide 41 new homes with a new access from Colchester Road and associated landscaping, open space, drainage, foul pumping station andparking provision as well as the provision of 1.189
Site address
Application status
Date received
Registration date
Appeal determination date
Consultation expiry date
Decision date
Target date
Case officer
Appeal start date
Appeal decision