Mayor of Colchester
The Mayor of Colchester is Councillor Lesley Scott-Boutell, and her daughter Miss Jessica Scott-Boutell is Mayoress of Colchester.
Councillor Scott-Boutell will hold the position of Mayor until May 2025.
The mayoralty is customarily awarded to the most senior councillor of one of the political groups, who take in turn. The nomination is only rarely challenged. Before becoming Mayor, the councillor serves for a year as Deputy Mayor.
The annual ceremony of the installation of a new Mayor takes place each May, following the city council elections. The Mayor's election takes place at the first meeting of the newly formed council. The council, officers and members of the public gather in the Town Hall, to welcome the incoming Mayor who takes the oath administered by the Chief Executive.
The Town Serjeant places chains of office on the shoulders of the incoming Mayor and their consort. The new Mayor's speech of acceptance usually indicates a theme for the year, reflected in the choice of charities that they intend to actively support.
Throughout their mayoralty, the Mayor also attends a number of engagements held by organisations within the city. Invitations increase yearly, proof of the high value the office maintains within the community.
The Civic Officer maintains the civic diary and regularly circulates the Mayor's engagements to the media. The Mayor's Parlour is the Town Hall office where the Mayor works, as well as the reception suite for visitors. The city regalia is also displayed there and represents gifts to the town as well as items of the city's heritage.
Councillor Scott-Boutell will hold the position of Mayor until May 2025.
The Mayor's theme this year is fostering tolerance and understanding, breaking down preconceptions and building a safe space for all.
Her charities are:
- Colchester Pride
- Guts UK
- RSPCA Essex Mid and North Branch
- Royal Association for Deaf People
- Support Our Paras
During her mayoralty the Mayor will be Patron of a number of groups/associations, (details available on request).
The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Michael Lilley and Miss Lyn Barton is Deputy Mayoress.
The Mayor's role
The Mayor sits as non-political chairman of the council. As such, they are unable to get involved in any matter or complaints regarding council business or procedures.The mayoralty is customarily awarded to the most senior councillor of one of the political groups, who take in turn. The nomination is only rarely challenged. Before becoming Mayor, the councillor serves for a year as Deputy Mayor.
The annual ceremony of the installation of a new Mayor takes place each May, following the city council elections. The Mayor's election takes place at the first meeting of the newly formed council. The council, officers and members of the public gather in the Town Hall, to welcome the incoming Mayor who takes the oath administered by the Chief Executive.
The Town Serjeant places chains of office on the shoulders of the incoming Mayor and their consort. The new Mayor's speech of acceptance usually indicates a theme for the year, reflected in the choice of charities that they intend to actively support.
Throughout their mayoralty, the Mayor also attends a number of engagements held by organisations within the city. Invitations increase yearly, proof of the high value the office maintains within the community.
The Civic Officer maintains the civic diary and regularly circulates the Mayor's engagements to the media. The Mayor's Parlour is the Town Hall office where the Mayor works, as well as the reception suite for visitors. The city regalia is also displayed there and represents gifts to the town as well as items of the city's heritage.
Donate to the Mayor's charities
Donations to the Mayor’s Charities can be made in a number of ways.
- Cheque – contact the Civic Office for more information.
- Cash donations at the Town Hall (receipts available on request).
- Via BACS – details available on request from the Civic Office.
Page last reviewed: 24 May 2024