Main modifications consultation
Following hearing sessions in April 2021, the Inspector has now recommended main modifications to the Section 2 Colchester Local Plan, he considers necessary to make the plan sound.
All representations to the main modifications consultation have now been processed and are available to view on the Consultation Portal.
The Council have also prepared a schedule summarising all of the representations to the Main Modifications which has been sent to the Inspector.
The main modifications representations summary December 2021 (PDF, 937KB)
- Additional Modifications Representation Schedule January 2022
- Policy Maps Modifications Representation Schedule January 2022
- SA-SEA and HRA Reps Summary December 2021
The Council are holding a six week public consultation on these modifications and supporting documents, from 4 October to 1pm Thursday 18 November 2021.
The consultation documents are:
- Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications
- Schedule of Proposed Additional Modifications
- Schedule of Proposed Policies Map Modifications
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA) – Non Technical Summary
- Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)
A ‘tracked changes’ version of the Section 2 Local Plan has also been produced to show how the proposed modifications would appear in full.
The accompanying list identifies a small number of minor editing differences, none of which have any bearing on the modification wording itself.
The consultation relates specifically to these documents and in particular the main modifications which have been recommended by the Inspector.
This consultation is not an opportunity to repeat or raise further representations about the published plan or to seek further changes to the plan.
How to respond to the consultation
Please read our guide on how to respond.
You can respond to the Main Modifications, SEA and HRA using the Council’s Consultation Portal.
Alternatively, you can respond by completing our response form.
A response form will need to be completed to comment on the Additional Modifications and Modifications to Policies Maps.
Please send your completed response form to or Planning Policy, Colchester City Council, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3WG.
Hard copies of the Local Plan and the consultation documents are available to view at Colchester Library during normal opening hours and in accordance with their Covid-19 regulations.
All representations will be considered and published on the Council’s Consultation Portal in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation. We will submit all representations received to the Independent Planning Inspector appointed to examine the Local Plan. Representations made to the additional and policy map modifications are for the Council to consider.
All relevant comments received during the consultation period will be considered by the Planning Inspector before any modifications are finalised and the Inspector issues his Final Report.
The deadline for responding is 1pm on 18 November 2021
If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact us via or on 01206 282975, 01206 282541 or 01206 282625.
Page last reviewed: 4 October 2021