Animal licence fees

Animal welfare regulations (note: 1-3 year licence)

Description of charge App fee Grant fee Charges 2024/2025 incl VAT (£)
* Hiring out of horses (riding establishment) licences (vet fee to be added and invoiced separately) 477.00 91.00 568.00
Selling animals as pets (pet shops and other (does not apply to breeding of dogs)) 337.00 103.00 440.00
Animal boarding licence (including daycare) 434.00 91.00 525.00
Home boarding for dogs 257.00 60.00 317.00
* Dog breeding 266.00 91.00 357.00
Keeping or training animals for exhibition (3 year licence) 368.00 60.00 428.00
Additional licensable activity 103.00 60.00 163.00
Variation to licence/re-evaluation star rating application fee for animal boarding, selling animals and keeping animals for exhibition 181.00 60.00 241.00
* Variation to licence/re-evaluation star rating application fee for dog breeding and hiring out of horses (not including vet fees) 177.00 60.00 237.00
Transfer of licence due to death of licensee 85.00 N/A 85.00
* Zoo operators licence (payable every 6 years - next due 2025) 2374.00
* Dangerous wild animals (payable every two years) 332.00

*Vet fees to be added

Page last reviewed: 28 January 2025