Colchester’s Dutch Quarter gets a winter clean-up boost!

PUBLISHED: 26 January 2024

A collaborative effort between Colchester City Council, Colchester Borough Homes, Essex Police, Street Link, and the CCTV monitoring centre resulted in a successful Day of Action clean-up in Colchester's historic Dutch Quarter yesterday (25 January).

The initiative – part of Colchester’s Great Winter Clean – saw teams tackle a range of issues, from litter and fly-tipping to graffiti and hazardous materials. Thanks to their hard work:

Thanks to their hard work:
  • Thirty bags of rubbish were collected and sorted, with six bags destined for non-recyclable waste and everything else prepared for recycling.
  • Three needles were safely removed.
  • Seven broken glass hazards were cleared up.
  • Eight instances of graffiti were removed from street furniture.
  • Four fly-tips were addressed, with two fixed penalties issued as a deterrent.
  • Three individuals received education on littering offences.
  • Eight new "No Fly-Tipping" and CCTV signs also installed in known hot spots based on community feedback.
  • A previously broken street nameplate was repaired, restoring clarity for residents and visitors.
We're grateful to everyone who came together to make this clean-up such a success,said Cllr Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Waste. “This Day of Action demonstrates our commitment to working together to keep Colchester clean and safe for everyone.

These efforts not only make a visible difference to the Dutch Quarter, but also send a strong message that littering and fly-tipping is unacceptable.”

The day was further bolstered by the participation of Colchester City Council’s Communications team, who showed their dedication by actively litter picking alongside the other teams.

This Day of Action is part of the council’s ongoing commitment to maintaining a clean and safe environment for everyone. Residents are encouraged to report fly-tipping and other environmental issues through the council's website.

For more information about Colchester's Great Winter Clean, please visit:

By working together, we can keep Colchester clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy!

Page last reviewed: 26 January 2024


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