During the period from 1 October 2018 - 31 January 2019, Colchester Borough Council intends to take 'Key Decisions' on the issues set out in the following pages. Key Decisions relate to those executive decisions which are likely to either:
This Forward Plan has been updated to include the Review of the Waste Collection Strategy. Any questions on specific issues included on the Plan should be addressed to the contact name specified in the Plan. General queries about the Plan itself should be made to Zoe Gentry, Democratic Services Officer, phone (01206) 506055 or e-mail democratic.services@colchester.gov.uk
The Council invites members of the public to attend any of the meetings at which these decisions will be discussed and the documents listed on the Plan and any documents relevant to each decision which may be submitted to the decision taker can be viewed free of charge although there will be a postage and photocopying charge for any copies made. All decisions will be available for inspection at The Library and Community Hub, Colchester Central Library, 21 Trinity Street, Colchester, CO1 1JB or the Forward Plan of Key Decisions can be downloaded as a PDF document.
Download Forward Plan of Key Decisions
If you wish to request details of documents regarding the 'Key Decisions' outlined in this Plan please contact the individual officer identified.
If you wish to make comments or representations regarding the 'Key Decisions' outlined in this Plan please submit them, in writing, to the Contact Officer highlighted two working days before the date of the decision (as indicated in the brackets in the date of decision column). This will enable your views to be considered by the decision taker.
Contact details for the Council's various service departments are incorporated at the end of this plan.