More information on our scheme of delegation at Colchester Borough Council and how we make our decisions.
More information on our scheme of delegation at Colchester Borough Council an...
Read moreThe Local Councils Charter is part of the Constitution and is intended to enhance the partnership arrangements between the Council and Parish/Town Council.
The Local Councils Charter is part of the Constitution and is intended to enh...
Read moreThe Chief Finance Officer has responsibility for the administration of the Council's financial affairs
The Chief Finance Officer has responsibility for the administration of the Co...
Read moreEvery contract, whether made by the Council on its behalf or for another authority shall comply with these Rules unless otherwise specified
Every contract, whether made by the Council on its behalf or for another auth...
Read moreDetails of officers roles and responsibilities
Details of officers roles and responsibilities
Read moreThis protocol requires Members and Co-opted Members to include in their Registrable Interests details of any gifts of hospitality received
This protocol requires Members and Co-opted Members to include in their Regis...
Read moreThis protocol provides a guide to good working relationships between Officers and Councillors (here called Members).
This protocol provides a guide to good working relationships between Officers...
Read moreThis conduct applies to all councillors and co-opted persons that have been appointed to the Council, Cabinet, Panels, Committees and Sub-Committees
This conduct applies to all councillors and co-opted persons that have been a...
Read moreThe Monitoring Officer has responsibilities powers and duties which include legality, maladministration, probity, procedure, constitutional and ethical
The Monitoring Officer has responsibilities powers and duties which include l...
Read moreThis code of practice describes how the Council deals with planning applications.
This code of practice describes how the Council deals with planning applicati...
Read moreThis procedure contains rules that the Council is required to have in place both by law and those which contribute to the corporate governance
This procedure contains rules that the Council is required to have in place b...
Read moreThe purpose of this protocol is to provide a guide to the use of Council resources by Councillors
The purpose of this protocol is to provide a guide to the use of Council reso...
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