Mobility Scooter Storage Policy Equality Impact Assessment

Name of policy to be assessed

Mobility Scooter Storage Policy

1. What is the main purpose of the policy?

The main purpose of the policies is to set out the Colchester City Council’s approach to requests from council tenants to store mobility sooters within their home and to ensure requests are dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.

2. What main areas or activities does the policy cover?

  • When permission will be given for tenants to store a mobility scooter at their property. 
  • How priority will be given for sooter storage in sheltered accommodation. 
  • The circumstances when the council will assist tenants with the provision of storage facilities. 

3. Are there changes to an existing policy being considered in this assessment?

No changes to the principles of the policy, a simple refresh to ensure clarity and consistency across other housing policies. 

4. Who are the main audience, users or customers who will be affected by the policy?

The main groups who will be affected by the policy are:
  • members of staff 
  • current tenants 
  • future tenants 

5. What outcomes does the council want to achieve from the policy?

The outcomes that the policy should achieve are:
  • To ensure requests from tenants to store a mobility scooter at their home are dealt with fairly and consistently. 
  • To ensure compatibility between the council’s responsibility to comply with safety regulations and assist tenants to retain their independence. 

6. Are other service areas or partner agencies involved in delivery?

  • Colchester Borough Homes 
  • Customer Contact Centre 

7. Relevant information, data, surveys or consultations

The following relevant information, data, surveys or consultations1 help us assess the likely or actual impact of the policy upon customers or staff.

In 2018 when the policy was first adopted consultation took place during a Fair Access to Colchester meeting, the relevant points discussed were: 

  • It was agreed the policy should not limit scooter ownership, other than on the point of space/safety.  
  • It was agreed there should be a criteria for the provision of storage to make best use of council funds. 
  • The group thought the suggested criteria was fair and broad, and covered all relevant groups.  
  • There were lots of positive comments around the final point in the criteria allowing some flexibility, which allowed for common sense decisions to be made. 
  • There was also a discussion around a first-come, first-served policy in sheltered accommodation and the view was put forward within the group that it would be unfair to make someone move their scooter if someone more 'needy' came along. 

For the review in 2022/23 a task and finish group of tenants and leaseholders were consulted on the amendments made, the relevant points from these discussions are: 

  • The use of tenants and leaseholders within the policy has been adopted rather than the general term ‘customers’ because there is a need to be clear where something relates to tenure type. 
  • There was discussion around new technologies, including electric vehicles and E-bikes and E-scooters, the council will develop policies to cover these particular vehicles where appropriate. We have updated the policy to explicitly state what types of vehicles are included in the policy and those which are not. 
  • Regulatory references have been updated to include the latest legislation particularly in relation to building and fire safety as we need to ensure compliance ahead of agreeing storage of mobility scooter. 
  • The group raised concerns regarding wait times for adaptations and permission, the policy has been updated to clarify that residents need to obtain permissions before obtaining their mobility scooter.  We recognise some residents will already have a mobility scooter, therefore Colchester Borough Homes will add a question to viewing checklists to capture any mobility scooter requirements, and with sufficient notice adaptations may be installed prior to moves. 
  • The group also raised the suitability of properties to have storage facility, particularly those in conservation areas. Colchester Borough Homes will indicate when advertising properties to let that a property may be subject to certain restrictions to aid tenants when bidding on properties. 
  • Clarified the route for leaseholders to request permission as the Adaptations Policy is only available to tenants. 
  • The group were concerned about the expectation of residents obtaining portable appliance tests for their mobility scooter, the policy states ‘may request’ a visual inspection or proof of servicing/portable appliance test. The council would anticipate residents would want their scooter and charging leads to be well maintained and remain in good condition, therefore felt it only necessary to say may request inspection/proof of servicing as resources would limit checks being carried out to those where concerns over safety are brought to the attention of Colchester Borough Homes, Colchester City Council or where a fire had been caused by a scooter.    
  • The group highlighted issues with visitors’ mobility scooters, we have added a section in the policy on storage for visitors for completeness. 

8. The ‘general duty’

The ‘general duty’ states that we must have “due regard” to the need to:
  1. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  2. advance equality of opportunity between people who share a ‘protected characteristic2’ and those who do not3
  3. foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not4
Not all policies help us to meet the ‘general duty’, but most do.

This policy helps us to meet the ‘general duty’ by:
  • A fair policy on storage of mobility scooters for vulnerable groups helps to avoid potential discrimination against vulnerable groups. 
  • A fair policy on the storage of mobility scooters helps to advance equality of opportunity for vulnerable groups by aiding mobility and social inclusion. 

9. How does the policy help us to improve health/reduce health inequalities for residents?

Allowing storage of mobility scooters for residents, where it is practical and safe to do so, helping improve health and reduce health inequalities by aiding mobility and social inclusion.

10. Disproportionate impacts

This section helps us to identify any disproportionate impacts. We will indicate whether the policy is likely to particularly benefit or disadvantage any of the 'protected characteristics'.

We set out the potential benefits or disadvantages for particular protected characteristics.

Age - older people (60+) 

Negative impact

The policy is underpinned by fire safety legislation that prohibits the storage of mobility scooters where it is not safe to do so. The fact that individuals within this group may be more likely to rely on mobility scooters could lead to a disproportionate negative impact. 

Disability – physical, sensory

Negative impact

Same as Age - older people (60+) .

Language – English not as a first language

Negative impact

This group may be disadvantaged by the policy being written in English. 

11. How negative impacts be minimised or removed?

It has not been possible to remove the negative impact upon older persons or disability groups where compliance with fire safety legislation impacts the storage of mobility scooters. However, the following steps help to minimise the negative impact:  

  • Storage areas will be considered outside the home or nearby.  Colchester City Council aspires to provide scooter storage within Sheltered Housing Schemes and will where possible include the provision of mobility scooter storage in the design when refurbishing or building schemes.  
  • In some cases tenants would be able to apply for specific adaptations if they qualify for this and where it is possible to achieve. 
  • The provision of alternative accommodation will also be considered along with support for increased priority on the Housing Register for a move to more suitable accommodation.  

The policy is in English which may negatively impact those whose first language is not English or who have a sensory disability.

Policies are available in alternative formats upon request which can facilitate translation.

The policy is available on the Colchester Borough Homes website which supports Google Translate. The policy is available on the Colchester City Council website which supports alternative formats such as BrowseAloud. 

Summary and findings of Initial Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

12. Confirmation of findings

There are four options to describe the finding of the EqIA:
  1. No negative impacts have been identified – Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  2. Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed  - Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  3. Negative impacts could not be minimised or removed – Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
  4. There is insufficient evidence to make a judgement - Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
The findings and action are confirmed as (B). Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed. The action is to sign off screening and finish.

13. Name and job title of person completing this form

Suzanne Norton, Housing Client Co-ordinator 

14. Date of completion

August 2023 

15. Date for update or review of this screening

July 2026
  • [1] The council’s surveys and consultations include ‘equality monitoring information’ to help us identify any particular concerns or views expressed by any particular group or ‘protected characteristic’. It can also help us to assess how representative of our customers the respondent group is.
  • [2] The Equality Act’s `protected characteristics’ include age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sex and sexual orientation. It also covers marriage and civil partnerships, but not for all aspects of the duty.
  • [3] This involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to: (a) remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic; (b) take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it, and (c) encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.
  • [4] This involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to (a) tackle prejudice, and (b) promote understanding.

Page last reviewed: 5 October 2023


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