High Woods Country Park
High Woods Country Park fees and charges
Season and day permits to fish at High Woods Country Park are available to buy online.
Find out more about fishing at High Woods Country Park
Activities and guided walks
- Children's craft and environmental activity: £6.
- Family self-guided event: £1.
- Guided walk: £6 per adult and £2.50 per child.
Environmental education sessions and forest schools
- Ranger-led environmental education sessions: £6 per child (minimum charge £100).
- 10% discount for autumn term bookings.
Annual hire:
- Low use (for 1 session per week): £130 annual fee.
- Medium use (for 2-3 sessions per week): £265 annual fee.
- High use (4 or more sessions per week): £370 annual fee.
Termly hire (September to December, January to April, May to July):
- Low use (for 1 session per week): £45 term fee.
- Medium use (for 2-3 sessions per week): £92 term fee.
- High use (4 or more sessions per week): £140 term fee.
- Site hire for half day: £30.
- Commercial user surcharge (additional charge on top of site hire fee): + 100%.
- Hire of educational equipment: £30.
- Registered charities will receive a 60% discount.
Venue hire and ground rents
- High Woods Country Park Visitor Centre or meeting room: £12.50 per hour.
- High Woods Country Park/countryside sites ground rent: £61.50.
- Other misc open space costs including bootcamps and fitness classes: £8.50 per hour.
- Permit for regular commercial use of public open space for small activities up to 25 people: £8.50 per hour.
- Permit for commercial use of public open space for small activities 25-50 attendees: £22.30 per hour.
- Permit for commercial use of public open space for small activities 50-75 attendees: £41.40 per hour.
- Use of POS for compounds etc: £10 (per m2).
- Fixed Penalty Notice (dog fouling / littering) NB: £100/£150.
Permit application for regular commercial use of High Woods Country Park
Commercial events
For more information on commercial events email education.rangers@colchester.gov.uk.
- Commercial photography (per occasion): £346.
- Commercial filming and wedding photography: £692.
Staff support
- Staff labour costs to support outdoor events: £49.70 per hour.
High Woods Country Park car park is a surface car park with 70 spaces.
Find out more about High Woods Country Park car park
For more information email education.rangers@colchester.gov.uk .
Page last reviewed: 29 August 2024