Changing Places

Other important information:

    Important information to be aware of before completing the online form:
    • As part of the application process you must upload a copy of the Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment (higher rate mobility component).
    • Allow five working days to receive the access information.
    • Access details must not be transferred between users.
    • The access combination will be monitored and changed if there has been any unauthorised access.
    • If the access code is changed the new details will be sent to you.
    • Changing Places facilities cannot be opened using Radar keys.
    Privacy notice:

    By signing up to Changing Places you are providing your personal information and in doing so you are accepting and consenting to us storing and processing that information.

    We will store both yours and your carers contact details so we can email you updates to the combination information. In order to deliver this service we will share your information with the relevant council department.

    Only the minimum amount of data will be shared and only the information required to deliver the service to you. Access to this information will be restricted and kept secure. Records will be kept for the duration of the time you have an access combination and will be deleted immediately once we have been notified you have stopped using the service in line with our retention schedule.

    Find more information about how your data is used and stored 

Carer's details