How it works

Do you know of any neglected allotments or undeveloped land?

We will work with your community to find good sites that can be considered for community orchard projects - we always prefer seeing land used by and for, the benefit of the community they serve.

Leases or annual rents are often small when compared to the cost of purchasing land.

Tree sponsorship

We will match fund the purchase of trees for an orchard, and may even be able to help with the initial planting of the orchard. Each tree, including a planting kit (a stake, tree guard, and ties) costs approximately £20.

If you purchase 5 trees, we will match this and pay for an additional 5 trees for you - up to a maximum of of 50 trees.

Sourcing and planting 

Community orchards can range from just a few trees to 50 or more, we can help advise on whether the space you have is suitable with a site visit. On most occasions we will be able to help you plant your community orchard. 

We will order and source the trees for you, using heritage varieties native to this part of the country to re-establish varieties found in East Anglia.

To find out more, email

Community orchards for schools 

If you have suitable space for a community orchard, you will qualify for funding.  

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2022