Wild Water children's activities

Welcome to Wild about Colchester. Each week we are going to investigate the wildlife around Colchester. The theme this week is all about wild water.  

In the bingo sheet for this week we have asked you to find places, animals, and plants that are near water. Some you may be able to find at home, in your garden or a park near your house. Others you may have to travel to find something at one of the countryside or town parks.  Can you find them all? 

Here are some activities to try either at home or on one of the Colchester Borough sites.  
  • What do you use water for? Think about all the ways that you need water. Could your family monitor their water use? Every time you use some water for this week write it down and say what it is used for. At the end of the week you have a good idea of how you use water.  
  • Essex is quite a dry area for the UK. We use a lot of water and sometime the reservoirs get low. Could you use your new knowledge of how you use water to find ways to reduce the amount of water you use?  
  • It is not just people who need water. Animals and plants need water as well. Have a look around your garden and outside your house. Is there anywhere that visiting insects or bird could have a drink? Where is the nearest bird bath or pond? 
Perhaps you could make your garden inviting to wildlife by having some water there.  

Page last reviewed: 10 August 2020