City of Sanctuary UK


City of Sanctuary UK’s mission is to support the network of groups and Streams of Sanctuary and to contribute towards building a sanctuary movement. In practical terms, we work to build a culture of welcome, hospitality and inclusiveness right across every sphere and sector of society, so that wherever people seeking sanctuary go they will feel safe, find people who welcome them and understand why they are here, and have opportunities to be included in all activities.

Organisational aims

  • To support the creation of a culture of welcome and inclusion across every sphere and sector of society to ensure that wherever sanctuary seekers go they will find places of safety
  • To promote the voices and celebrate the contributions of people seeking sanctuary across every sphere and sector of society
  • To increase understanding of why people seek sanctuary and the difficulties they experience whilst living in the UK
  • To express the collective voice of the network, advocating for and alongside sanctuary seekers

Page last reviewed: 31 January 2024