Telephony And Email contact – Contact and Support Team (CST)

Name of policies to be assessed

Council Tax Penalties & Single Person Discount Reviews

1. What is the main purpose of the policies?

To assess the impact of the following proposed service changes.

  • Reduction of telephony and email service times to four days per week.
  • Introduction of new Customer Contact System.

2. What main areas or activities does the policies cover?

  • Customer contact with the CST

3. Are there changes to an existing policy being considered in this assessment?

  • Review of the following EQIA in conjunction with the proposed service changes.
  • Sharepoint Online

4. Who are the main audience, users or customers who will be affected by the policy?

The main groups who will be affected by the policy are:
  • Residents
  • Businesses 
  • Councillors
  • External Partners
  • Staff

5. What outcomes does the Council want to achieve from the policy?

To ensure the proposed service changes generate no negative impact / minimised impact on the service users in relation to Equality and Diversity.

6. Are other service areas or partner agencies involved in delivery?

The CST works closely with external partners such as Essex County Council (ECC) and Colchester borough Homes (CBH) and internal service areas such as Recycling and Rubbish, Planning, Licensing etc. The proposed changes will be discussed with all partners.

7. Relevant information, data, surveys or consultations

Feedback on key services including telephony services are periodically reviewed and has been taken into account in shaping this service.

8. The ‘general duty’

The ‘general duty’ states that we must have “due regard” to the need to:
  1. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  2. advance equality of opportunity between people who share a ‘protected characteristic2’ and those who do not3
  3. foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not4
Not all policies help us to meet the ‘general duty’, but most do.

This policy helps us to meet the ‘general duty’ by:

By providing a telephony and email service for four days per week and online services 24/7.

9. Disproportionate impacts

This section helps us to identify any disproportionate impacts. We will indicate whether the policy is likely to particularly benefit or disadvantage any of the 'protected characteristics'.

Where applicable, explain how this policy helps us to improve health/reduce health inequalities for residents:
  • By using additional technologies such as text phone, our services can be accessed by a wider audience.
  • The new Customer Contact System will allow us to implement other contact channels such as WhatsApp, Chatbot, Social Media etc.

The proposed change to reduce service times to four days per week will not have an isolated negative effect on the protected characteristic groups listed below.

The proposed change to introduce a new Customer Contact System will have a positive effect on all service users by introducing new contact channels in addition to the existing telephony and email service.

Age - older people (60+) and younger people (17-25)

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Age - those who are typically in the age group 45-55

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Disability – physical, sensory, learning, mental health issues, other

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Ethnicity - White; Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups; Asian or Asian British; Black, Black British, Caribbean or African; Other ethnic group

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Language – English not as a first language

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Pregnancy and maternity - Women who are pregnant or have given birth in the last 26 weeks

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Religion or belief - People with a religious belief (or none)

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Sex – Men and Women

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Gender reassignment - Transgender/Transsexual

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Sexual Orientation – Straight/Heterosexual, Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, Other sexual orientation

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

Marriage and Civil Partnership - People who are married or in a civil partnership

Positive impact

  • New telephony system
  • Queue management
  • High resolution rates

10. How negative impacts be minimised or removed?

  • May find automated options confusing
    • Automated options are continuously reviewed with any feedback taken into consideration to ensure they are easily understandable
  • There are times when wait times may be longer than customer expectation.
    • We offer a call back service
    • We are working to encourage channel shift where possible to minimise wait time
  • May not understand Advisors or automated telephone menus
    • We have a text phone service
    • Customers can gain access to language line and other translation services may be offered.
  • Availability of Telephony service will be reduced by one day.
    • Online services will be available.
    • Emergencies can be reported as per the current out of hours process.

11. Could the policy discriminate against any ‘protected characteristic’ either directly or indirectly?


Summary and findings of Initial Equality Impact Assessment

12. Confirmation of findings

There are four options to describe the finding of the EqIA:
  1. No negative impacts have been identified – Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  2. Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed  - Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  3. Negative impacts could not be minimised or removed – Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
  4. There is insufficient evidence to make a judgement - Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed  - Action is to sign off screening and finish.

13. Name and job title of person completing this form

Phil Charles - Contact and Support Manager.

14. Date of completion

January 2023

15. Date for update or review of this screening


Page last reviewed:


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