Active and sustainable travel choices

Pay as you go and try before you buy transport options are now available in Colchester. 

We are providing opportunities for residents and businesses to try different types of convenient, affordable and green transport so you can: 

  • save money on fuel and running costs by reducing vehicle use
  • lower personal and business carbon footprints
  • become more active and healthy
  • improve the air we breathe

Woman riding a bike with two children in front child seating

What is now available?

Pay as you go - hire an eBike or eCargo bike for up to one day.

City Centre Portal Precinct Bike Hub 

Choose from a range of different eBikes and eCargo bikes available to book by the hour.  The cargo bikes are suitable for carrying children, shopping or heavy/bulky goods. Pick up and return the bike to the Bike Hub when you have finished riding it. 

Minimum hire is £3 for 2 hours, up to a daily hire at £10.  

Also located at the hub is a Secure Bike Park and the Colchester Bike Kitchen, a community-led DIY workshop to help you repair your bike. 

New Town Community Bike Hub 

Located on Old Heath recreation ground next to the GO4 café, this shared bike hub is led and managed by local volunteers who also run the New Town Bike Kitchen. 

Choose from a range of different eCargo bikes available to book by the day. The cargo bikes are suitable for carrying children, shopping or heavy/bulky goods. Pick up and return the bike to the Bike Hub when you have finished riding it. 

Daily hire charge £10 

Pay as you go – hire an eScooter or eBike by the minute 

The eScooters and eBikes are available to hire by the minute on the street and must be left in a safe and considerate location at the end of your journey, not blocking a path or causing an obstruction. 

To access the eScooters and eBikes across Colchester download the Tier app.

Try before you buy - eBikes and eCargo Bike hire  

If you want to see how an eBike or eCargo Bike could fit in with your lifestyle or meet your business needs and would like to try one before considering purchasing your own, you can hire for up to one month (longer at the discretion of the council)  

You will need to be able to securely store your hired bike at your home or workplace.

Choose from a range of ebikes/cargo bikes and pay £12 a week. 

Pay as you go - electric cars and low emission van  

Access pay as you go cars and vans that are accessible 24/7 and bookable via app, website or telephone for as little as half an hour. Pay by the hour and the mile. Corporate accounts available.

There are currently electric cars based at Rowan House in Sheepen Road and Priory Street car park. There is also a van at the Enterprise depot in Gosbecks Road.

Pick up and return the vehicle to its dedicated parking bay when you have finished driving it. 

More cars will be coming soon.

Find out more about what Enterprise Car Club offers in Colchester or sign up right away at Enterprise Car Club. 

What if we live or work outside the City Centre? 

You are welcome to come into the city centre to access the services. Colchester City Council are keen to support the development of shared bike hubs and extension of the car club network across the wider District of Colchester.  

So, if you are a community group, parish or town council or organisation interested in setting something up in your area get in touch by emailing

How our projects are funded 

This project forms part of our Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) funded clean air work, which aims to reduce harmful air pollution in Colchester making the air cleaner and healthier for residents and visitors. Find out more about the Clean Air for Colchester campaign

Page last reviewed: 30 August 2024


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