Cost of living support for businesses
Financial support from businesses and organisations
- Backing Essex Business provide financial support and advice for businesses based in North Essex.
- CBI can help your business with the rise of inflation
- Colchester Ultra Ready can help your business with business support around finances, employment and skills, operating lawfully and more.
- Business Debtline provide a free debt advice service online or over the phone.
- Employment Allowance lets employers lower their Annual National Insurance liability.
- A 'Time to Pay arrangement' means you can pay back your tax in installments if you are not able to pay your tax in full.
Beware of scams
- The National Cyber Security Centre can help keep your business safe online.
Organisations that can help your business save energy
- Ofgem can help if your business is struggling with its energy bills.
- Carbon Trust team up with businesses, government and financial institutions to help them become more energy efficient.
- A range of guides from the Carbon Trust offer information on energy efficiency for your business.
- Help with your energy bills
Tips to save energy and water
- Carry out an energy audit of your business to identify opportunities to save energy. The Carbon Trust have a useful checklist of questions to help guide you through an energy audit.
- Replace existing lighting with LED.
- Ensure equipment is not left on standby (unless required to be kept running in the background).
- Install water flow restrictor devices on taps, waterless urinals, sensor based taps. Waterwise have further information to help your business save water.
- Install motion sensor lighting or ensure lighting is only focussed on required areas. For example, use lamps to light smaller areas rather than a whole room.
- Purchase energy efficient ICT equipment with an Energy Star label.
- Install double/triple glazing and insulate roofs and walls.
- Keep doors shut where possible, and install draught excluders to reduce heat loss.
- Install smart meters to pay for what you use and give you accurate bills. Smart Energy GB has information on how you can request a smart meter for your business.
Recruitment and training opportunities
- Essex Opportunities provides information on careers, jobs, apprentiships, skills and training.
- Advertise a job using the ‘Find a job’ service which has replaced Universal Jobmatch.
- ECL are helping adults with learning disabilities and autism to embark on paid employment opportunities.
- Essex Working Well provides free wellbeing and health support and advice.
Support organisations
- Colbea: The Colchester Business Enterprise Agency
- FSB can help if you're self employed or run a small business.
- Colchester Pubwatch are an online community tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.
- Essex Chambers of Commerce provide business support, training and more.
- Central Government can help ith finances and business support.
- Ambitious Women in Essex are there to support women running or part of local businesses.
Page last reviewed: 3 November 2023