Colchester Against Modern Slavery (CAMS)
Colchester Against Modern Slavery (CAMS)
CAMS is a community partnership initiated by the Safer Colchester Partnership. We partner towards a slavery-free community within the city of Colchester and surrounding areas.
CAMS comprises over 25 partner organisations including charities, faith groups, local authority, law enforcement and community groups. We appreciate the unique quality and power of local knowledge, relationships and assets to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Our work focuses on:
Email Safer Colchester Partnership
For advice or to report a suspicion contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 or visit their website.
CAMS comprises over 25 partner organisations including charities, faith groups, local authority, law enforcement and community groups. We appreciate the unique quality and power of local knowledge, relationships and assets to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Our work focuses on:
- raising awareness
- training
- safeguarding, referral pathways and survivor care
- gathering intelligence
- disruption
Concerned someone could be a victim?
If the person is in immediate danger call Essex Police on 101, or in an emergency 999.Email Safer Colchester Partnership
For advice or to report a suspicion contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 or visit their website.
Page last reviewed: 19 September 2023