Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on developments in their area.


  • What is a Community Infrastructure Levy
  • View our consultations
  • How much this costs

At present we don't charge a Community Infrastructure Levy.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on developments in their area.

The levy provides infrastructure to support the development of an area and can supplement other public sector funding streams to ensure that new community infrastructure (such as schools) can be provided to keep pace with population growth.

It applies to most new buildings and charges are based on the size and type of the new development. CIL is set locally and is charged per square metre.

There are a few exceptions including social housing, buildings used by charities and buildings into which people do not normally go, or go only for routine maintenance of plant or equipment.

The charge will be imposed at the time planning permission is granted.

The levy is intended to focus on the provision of new infrastructure and shouldn't be used to remedy pre-existing deficiencies in infrastructure provision unless those deficiencies will be made more severe by new development.

The levy can be used to increase the capacity of existing infrastructure or to repair failing existing infrastructure, if that's necessary to support development.

Read more on the Planning Portal

CIL will replace Section 106 contributions for general types of community infrastructure.

View Developer Contributions

However, section 106 will still be used for site specific measures that are required to make a development acceptable (such as open space) as well as for affordable housing provision.

The Community Infrastructure Levy is backed by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).

View overview for CIL payment and collection

Read more on the Government's site

Community Infrastructure Levy Viability

View the viability study


We ran a consultation between 11th November and 9th December 2011 in accordance with Section 212 of the Planning Act 2008 and Regulations 16 and 17 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).

Below are the documents we consulted on:

Appendix A - 10ha scheme viability appraisal

Appendix B - 1ha scheme viability appraisal

Appendix C - non-residential viability appraisal

CIL Draft Charging Schedule

CIL Draft Governance

Draft Implementation Plan

Draft Instalment Policy

Microsoft Word - Copy of P2076 Colchester CIL evidence base - final report 18.10.2011

We ran a consultation between 29th July – 9th September 2011 in accordance with section 212 of the Planning Act 2008 and The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 and 2011.

Below are the documents we consulted on:

CIL Prelim Draft Charging Schedule V2

CIL Prelim evidence base - final report 25.07

CIL Summary of Prelim Consultation Responses

Other Guidance

The Government have set out the latest planning practice guidance on their planning obligations website.

Read more on the Government's site

The Practice Guidance builds upon the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which specifically addresses planning obligations in paragraphs 203-205.

View the National Planning Policy Framework

There is also useful information regarding the legal tests for seeking planning obligations, more information about Section 106, highway matters and the latest planning news.


CIL is to be paid in accordance with the Charging Schedule prepared by us.

View Charging Schedule

Application Forms