Archaeology Advice & HER

Projects that affect listed buildings or scheduled monuments require special consent and planning permission.


  • What is Archaeology advice
  • The different types of application form
  • What supporting documents are needed
  • How much it costs

To request Archaeology Advice & HER please click on the link below to be taken to the application form.

Archaeology Advice & HER Application Form

Designated Heritage Assets are nationally important listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens, battlefields and protected wreck sites which are statutorily protected.

Any building projects that affect listed buildings will need Listed Building Consent (LBC). Any building projects that affect a scheduled monument will require Scheduled Monument (SM) Consent. Both types of project will require planning permission.

Our Archaeological Strategy

If you have any queries, please contact

What type do you need?



We provide a brief for each stage of the archaeological investigation but we don't undertake archaeological investigations.

You will need to get professional advice from an archaeological contractor who will undertake the investigation and prepare a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI).

The WSI must be approved by us before the investigation is undertaken.

Once the WSI has been approved, it must be submitted with an application to discharge the planning condition, enabling the fieldwork to be undertaken.

We will monitor the fieldwork and review the report to ensure the requirements of the planning condition are completed.  We will confirm full discharge of the planning condition when the report is submitted.


Historic Environment Record (HER)

The Colchester Historic Environment Record (HER) is the database of all known archaeological sites and historic buildings in the Borough. It is used to identify and assess sites at risk of damage by new development.

HER searches, to support planning applications, will be undertaken by our Archaeological Advisor.


What supporting documents do you need?

Depending on the type of application you intend to submit, there may be additional documents that are required.

Check supporting documents



Check what fee is applicable


To request Archaeology & HER advice please use the link below to be taken to the application form.

The Archaeology in Development Plan 2015 supplements and adds an additional level of detail to this planning policy. It is an important material consideration for Development Management when assessing development proposals or applications within Colchester Borough and can be found here


Application Forms