Local Councils Charter

The Local Councils Charter is part of the Constitution and is intended to enhance the partnership arrangements between the Council and Parish/Town Council.


Part 1 - Summary and Explanation

This part of the Constitution provides a general overview of the Council.

Summary and Explanation


Part 2 - Articles

The Articles provide details on how the Council functions and contain principles, commitments and basic rules, on how the Council conducts its business.



Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions

Under Executive arrangements, all functions are the responsibility of the Cabinet unless the law provides otherwise. This part of the Constitution details which part of the Council can exercise various functions. In addition, it provides information on meetings, delegations to Committees, Cabinet Members and Officers. There is also a list of officers which are designed as the Proper Officer in the Procedure Rules contained in Part 4.

Responsibility for Functions

Scheme of Delegation to Regulatory Committees

Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet

Scheme of Delegation to Officers

Designation of Proper Officers

Record of Decisions Form (lilac form)


Part 4 - Procedure Rules

This part of the Constitution contains the rules that the Council is required to have in place both by law and those which contribute to the corporate governance of the Council which govern how the various meetings of the Council will be conducted.  In addition, it contains other rules relating to the budget and policy framework, financial procedures, the letting of contracts and the employment of officers.

Council Procedure Rules

Meeting Procedure Rules

Cabinet Procedure Rules

Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules

Planning Committee Procedure Rules

Licensing Committee Procedure Rules

Governance and Audit Committee Procedure Rules

Access to Information Procedure Rules

Budget and Policy Framework

Financial Procedure Rules

Contracts Procedure Rules

Officer Employment Procedure rules

Petition Procedure rules


Part 5 - The Ethical Framework

This part of the Constitution comprises various Codes and Protocols relating to standards of conduct and good practice which contribute to corporate governance of the Council.

Members' Code of Conduct

Planning Procedure Code of Practice

Member/Officer Protocol

Media Protocol

Monitoring Officer Protocol

Chief Finance Officer Protocol

Resources Protocol

Whistleblowing Policy

Gifts and Hospitality

Guide for Members and Co-opted Members on Dispensations

Guidance for Councillors and Officers on Outside Bodies

Local Code of Corporate Governance

Risk Management Strategy

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy


Part 6 - Members' Allowances Scheme

This part of the Constitution comprises the Council's current Members' Allowance Scheme.

Members' Allowances


Part 7 - Management Structure

This part of the Constitution comprises the current officer management structure.

Management Structure


Part 8 - Local Councils Charters

This part of the Constitution contains the Charters agreed with the Colchester Association of Local Councils to enhance the partnership arrangements between the Council and Parish/Town Councils in the Borough.

Charter by the Borough, Town and Parish Councils

For more information on the Constitution please contact -

Andrew Weavers
Strategic Governance Manager and Monitoring Officer
Phone: 01206 282213
Email: andrew.weavers@colchester.gov.uk




Related Articles
How the Council Works
The Constitution

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