Don’t forget to update or confirm your details on the Electoral Register

Colchester Borough Council is urging all residents still catching up on their mail received during August 2018 to make sure they stay eligible to vote


Date published 13 September 2018

Don’t forget to update or confirm your details on the Electoral Register

If you’re just getting back into your daily routine after the summer holidays, then don’t forget to dig out the Household Enquiry Form (HEF) letter posted to you in August and confirm or update your household details on the Electoral Register.

Colchester Borough Council is urging all residents still catching up on their mail received during August 2018 to make sure they stay eligible to vote by completing the simple steps outlined in the HEF. Now’s the time to take five minutes and confirm or update your details on the Register.

Most residents will simply need to use the security code shown on the bottom of the form to confirm online at that the accompanying form correctly shows the details of all those living at the address.

Alternatively, residents can call the free automated phone line on 0800 197 9871 or use it to also confirm details by text message. The line is open 24-hours a day, 7-days-a-week. These options are the quickest and easiest ways to respond.

Any household needing to update details or add a new resident, including anyone who’s recently turned 16, can also do so at or

Residents are reminded that responding to the HEF letter is a legal requirement. Responding now also helps make the council’s work to undertake the annual update of the electoral Register as efficient as possible before autumn reminder letters and home visits are made for householders late to respond.

For those who need help to confirm or update details online, assistance is on offer at free digital skills support events held around the borough – details of which can be found

Colchester Borough Council’s Electoral Registration Officer, Adrian Pritchard, said: “Many of us will still be catching up on our mail and getting back into our daily life after a well-earned summer break. I’d urge anyone who’s not already confirmed or updated their household details on the Register to take five minutes and do it today.

“Dig out your HEF letter and use the unique codes online or by phone or text on 0800 197 9871.

“By law, everyone must respond, even if all that’s needed is to confirm the details are correct. If any information has changed, you will need to update the Register to ensure you can still have your say at election time.”

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