Joint statement on conflict in Israel and Gaza

PUBLISHED: 16 October 2023

The Leader of the Council, Cllr David King, and the Group Leaders of the Liberal Democrat, Labour, Conservative and Green groups, Cllr Martin Goss, Cllr Julie Young, Cllr Paul Dundas and Cllr Richard Kirkby-Taylor, have issued the following joint statement...

Colchester as a City of Sanctuary prioritises inclusion and harmony over division. We advocate for peace and the relief of suffering, in all its forms. We are united in our collective and deepest sympathy for all loss of life and for all those affected by the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

We are committed to helping in any way possible. It is crucial to emphasise that we will remain impartial and extend unwavering support to all communities. We stand ready to support them all and to emphasise the importance of mutual respect and understanding. By fostering an environment of inclusivity and empathy, we aim to ensure that Colchester remains a haven for all.

Should you have any concerns, we encourage you to report them to the police or to the council.

Page last reviewed: 16 October 2023


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