Colchester Street Care Team celebrated for contribution to community safety

PUBLISHED: 10 October 2023

Colchester City Council’s Street Care and Safety Team have been recognised by Essex Police for their long service and contribution to the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS).

The CSAS was created under section 40 of the Police Reform Act 2002 and enables extra powers to be granted to Police accredited people to increase community safety through partnership working.

Eight members of the Street Care Team recently attended Essex Police headquarters in Chelmsford for a day of training, updates and to receive the Long Service Award on behalf of the council.

Cllr Martin Goss, Colchester City Council cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Waste, said: “I am delighted that the Street Care Team has been recognised for their long service and contribution to the CSAS. The team plays a vital role in keeping our city safe and clean, and I am grateful for their enthusiasm and hard work.

“We are committed to working with the police to create a safer and more secure city for everyone. The recognition of the Street Care Team by Essex Police is a testament to their dedication to community safety.”

The Street Care Team is responsible for a wide range of tasks, including street cleaning, graffiti removal and fly-tipping clearance. The team also works closely with the police to support crime prevention and community safety initiatives.

The CSAS is a voluntary scheme that allows individuals to be trained and accredited by the police to carry out specific community safety duties. Accredited persons can be used to support police officers in a variety of ways, such as patrolling public areas, reporting crime and providing reassurance to the community.

Chief Superintendent Leighton Hammett, head of Local Policing support, said: “To have 415 persons active through CSAS, supporting the police and their communities, is a great thing. The prevention and engagement work they do may be hard to measure, but it is felt positivity by many people.”

Page last reviewed: 10 October 2023


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